Hevealogy noun [u] /hɪəviːlə.dʒi/  the scientific study of the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis. As part of the school programme, students follow classes on physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history… But the rubber plant is so important that it needs its own classroom and its own hours of study in the curriculum. Hevea brasiliensis (the botanical name … Continue reading

“Talking Weeds” an artwork for the French School in Singapore

In January 2015, I was invited by the LFS or French School in Singapore’s Art Lecturer  Sharon Feenan to work with the “4èmes” (Gr. 8) students. I had proposed to introduce the kids to my way of mixing art and science and we worked on a project which is now part of the larger “Weeding … Continue reading

Working With Weeds

Since 2012, when the first “Weed Camp” was announced at the Observatoire, where children were invited to come and learn about the wild plants growing around the site, several more projects have converged towards giving recognition and understanding to the almost invisible little flowers of Singapore. This September, I will be opening not one but … Continue reading

Science as Contemporary Art – How I Do it.

– “How do you transform a 1m x 1m x 3m space into contemporary art?” – “I would like to propose to install a scientist’s research cabinet in the 1m x 1m x 3m space allocated. It involves shelves. And 1000 specimens on which the research is done.” In 2009, Failomics. In 2010, Laboratory of … Continue reading

EEG-based artwork for the Constant Self-Recording Mode (COS•MO) exhibition.

I propose to walk around the art exhibition wearing an EEG recording cap as I walk around the gallery, looking at the artwork. The EEG cap captures my thoughts directly from the brain and (after processing) whispers in my ear what I are thinking. This is called the “Know What You Think” cap, and the … Continue reading